Thursday, October 24, 2013

Not much going on

Haven't posted recently because there isn't too much going on- 

Back in the Florida routine-  Bette is going to the pool most mornings for her water aerobics, we have taken to going to the pool most nights for water exercises and hot tubbing- 

She goes to Mah-Jongg  twice a week. 

I need two nose operations, found that fact out last week, working on getting clearances from our regular and heart docs for that- 

Doing PT for my neck and back stuff, not getting a whole lot better on that score- 

Doing men's lunch once a week with the guys- 

Next big travel jog is up to SC for Thanksgiving holiday-  then Christmas, and we will stay over for most of January while I teach on campus for a new class I was assigned. 

Motor home is in final stages of bash repair down at Wildwood-  supposed to hear back on that first of next week- 

Got most of the summer trip with Cooper all laid out-  plane tickets are in hand-   two weeks out in California starting June 7 and back to SC on June 20.  Looking forward to that. 

Got the sad news of the unexpected passing of our pal Rocky Morris up in Prosperity.  He was on the road in Texas and had a heart attack.  He was only 54.   We always enjoyed going to his concerts up in Maine. 

That's about it.

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