Monday, October 28, 2013

Friday Coquina Gang dinner at Jim's

Had a large group at Jim's for dinner Friday night, good food and fun. 

On the health front, went back this morning and had my "permanent" new crown installed, another root canal and crown is next. 

On the physical health front, my ribcage/diaphragm is still badly messed up,, going on 3 weeks now. I go see Dr Brian tomorrow for follow up, and my PT doesn't seem to be working very well.  Have to wait and see about that. Dr Brian is also supposed to give me the green light tomorrow on the nose operation so we can get that out of the way.  A week from now, back to the RA doc to see if I can dump the prednisone and get rid of the 20 plus pounds I have picked up from that medicine. 

Good news, in three weeks, we're off to South Carolina for a bit, and I can go over the California trip with Cooper. 

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