Friday, September 6, 2013

Crunching the Eastern Shore

Continuing the mad dash for home, today was about 300 road miles but terrific for stamping and viewing-  Started out at 0730, drove about 50 miles down to Chincoteague Island, which is in Va, and no 2 on the map, to get a visit and two stamps for this part of the Assateague Island NS.  Then I drove up to Berlin Md, no 3 on the map for the Maryland side of the park.  I got two out of sight stamps at Chincoteague, plus a Blue Goose stamp that wasn't listed. 

Then, I stopped in at the Delmarva Shore Birds for a ball and pin, venue #120 for baseball.  Then, up to a Wal Mart in Cambridge Md, for stops 5-9,  which was 3 stops for the Harriett Tubman Underground Rail Road NM.  Got all the stamps for there. 

Then, a short run up to the Easton Wal Mart, so I could run over for stop 11, which was in St Mary's Maryland for a Star Spangled Banner NHA stamp plus some lighthouse stamps.

Finally, we headed into Clinton Md., so the Louise Cosca Regional Park for the next two nights.
30 amp, water, full shade, nice site, which we think we are getting for $13.00 senior rate.

Due to time constraints, and a very slow internet connection here, I'll post the details of today's trip later. 

For today I am compressing the next two days of plans into one, and doing Monocacy Battlefield up in Frederick, plus two other stops there, and then several stops in Metro DC as I can get to before getting back here due to traffic- 

Then, tomorrow, we are heading down to Roanoke Va to have lunch with the Derry's and turn over my stash of trading cards, then drive until we are tired and then Sunday, we get back to Greenwood, about 6 days ahead of schedule! 

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