Friday, September 6, 2013

Got to Park #277, did a whirlwind DC trip, blew off Baltimore

Did what I thought I would do, ran up to Frederick Maryland, about 60 miles, and got park #277, Monocacy Battlefield.  Also got two stops for the Journey Through Hallowed Ground NHA in downtown Frederick.  Then I came back and blitzed DC for about 4 hours, stopping in at Rock Creek Park Nature Center, Mary McCloud Bethune NHS, the Old Stone House in Georgetown, the C & O Canal stop was permanently closed, so that is off the books, then over to the Navy Museum on Pennsylvania Ave, then to the American History Museum on Continental Ave for a Star Spangled Banner Stamp, then I walked to the Washington Monument Bookstore for 24 stamp bonanza, then over to the Interior Dept. Library, then to the National Capitol Parks East HQ, and finally to the Bladensburg Visitor Center to get another Star Spangled Banner stamp. Was going to wind up the day getting a ball and pin at the Bowie Baysox, but they were not staffed. 
I'll fill in the specific site visit posts later, when I have a faster connection.

Tomorrow, we're off early to first stop at Roanoke, VA, to have lunch at Red Robin with my NPTC buddies, then drive as far as we feel like it and then arrive early Sunday am in Greenwood, a full week ahead of schedule.

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