Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Jersey- that means are we home yet?

Bette and I have a running dialog that whenever we get to New Jersey, she wants to get home, like the next day.  So to accommodate her somewhat, I have moved the schedule up by several days- rather than travel on our leisurely pace as we have been so far on the trip.

To wit:  today, I compressed two and a half days travel into one. This is on top of being 5 days ahead of schedule or more already.

This morning, I was off  early to two locations for the Pinelands National Preserve stamps, located a few miles apart in south Jersey near where we were staying at Wal Mart-  First stop was the Pinelands commission office, next stop was about 6 miles away at Brendan Byrne State Forest Office-  so I got both.  This is an affiliated area, so it won't "count"

Then, I had to stop back by the famous or rather infamous Windsor Queen Diner to pick up my credit card that was inadvertently left yesterday-  It was in fact there, so no sweat. 

Then, we hustled down to New Castle Delaware, where I expressed two stops for the First State National Park, a new park this year, and my 274th park.  I also managed to get to the Delaware Blue Rocks field for a baseball and a pin. 

Moving right along, we sped on down to Dover, where I was able to get the third and last stop for the First State Park.   Yay! 

Then, I decided to bag two planned stops, Havre De Grace and Aberdeen Maryland, and maybe add them to the Baltimore run, and decided instead to get on down the road another 70 miles or so to Salisbury, Maryland, which is where we are as we write.  At Wal Mart. 

Tomorrow, I'm driving to Assateague and Chincoteague Visitor Centers for stamps, then there is the Delmarva baseball team here in Salisbury, then we are headed over towards Washington DC area, with stops at Easton, Cambridge, St Mary's and Annapolis.  Tomorrow is a busy and bit longish day. 

We are hoping we can land at a campground in Clinton Maryland, but they don't take reservations- so it will be pot luck. 

Should sleep good tonight. 

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