Monday, June 25, 2012

Maybe good news at the shop

We got up early and were on the road at 0715 headed down the Interstate 13 miles, and found ourselves at Pete's RV....  before the scheduled opening time- We went in, found a very nice service advisor, Ed, told him of our problem, he checked, they actually had a replacement transfer switch in stock, and within 15 minutes, we were pulled into a bay, and work began!  This is in the face of a shop that was currently scheduling work out 3 weeks!
The transfer switch was fried a little more that we first thought, but we are hopeful that it is quickly repairable, maybe even by lunchtime today....  and that nothing else up the line was damaged.  Have our fingers crossed- 

They were booked out to far to look at the sat dish, so we are passing on that. 

If we get fixed today, we are still on schedule, we'll boondock tonight somewhere, then head to a Vermont Lake Monsters baseball game, then head over to the White River Junction Vt area for a day or so, then over to Moody Beach.  Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

RV Phil said...

Glad we could get you back on the road. The journey continues... :)

Phil LeClair