Friday, June 22, 2012

Fun and Frustration today-

Cooper and I got up at 8 this morning, then got in the car and headed about 27 miles up the road to Cooperstown and the Baseball Hall of Fame.  We had a nice visit of an hour and a half or so, got a ball and pin, and saw a nice movie, and enjoyed the exhibits.  Then we browsed the street and looked in several of the baseball memorabilia shops, but didn't buy anything-  they had a Babe Ruth autographed baseball for 15,900, and several other celebrety balls at similar high prices.  Wow.

The hall has 3 stories of exhibits

This was the movie theater, we watched a 13 minute highlight movie

The Yankees display, with their 27 championships..

Then, we headed back to the coach, and headed up to Troy, New York, well, Latham actually, about 60 miles up the road to Camp Wal Mart. 

I headed out to 5 locations that showed stamps for National Parks, and several were closed......grrrrr. 

I also stopped in at the Tri City Valley Cats Baseball for a ball and pin, but had to go back since the lady that ran the store was in a meeting. 

First tried the Valley Cats, but no luck, #2 on the map.  Got a phone number and a promise to call back, and she would be there.  Then went to No 3, something called the Burton Iron Works.  Supposed to be open, it was not.  No stamp. 

Then, I headed to the Renssalear County Historical Society Building, it was open, had a nice chat with the boss, got the Hudson Valley NHA stamp.  Interesting exhibit about the great fire that Troy had that burned a third of the town back in the day.  Score 1 Stamp. 

Here, I learned that the Riverspark VC for the Erie Canal was closed, permanently it seems, so I passed there.  I went next to the Peebles Island VC, but of course, it was closed.   Crap.....

Also, the Cohoes Visitor Center was closed, even though there was a sign saying they were open 11-4.   Double crap. 

Then, to add insult to injury, the Tugboat something VC was also closed, and it was supposed to be open.  Triple crap.....

Happily, I called the Valley Cats and the lady was most gracious and nice, and told me sure she was open for me, so I drove back down, and got a ball and pin, and she gave me a bobblehead...  and a media guide, and a schedule, score!!!!

So now, we will adjust the schedule a bit, spend only one day here instead of the planned two, then tomorrow in the morning, drive directly to Saratoga Battlefield National Park, then head up to the Burlington Vt area. 

Bette spotted a Passport America Park in South Hero, about 12 miles from Burlington, with full services, so we are there.  The other park never did return our calls.    So we are booked into South Hero for 2 nights, then we will head on over to the Hanover NH area and do the 2 National Parks in that area, and perhaps get into Moody a day or two early, which would be good. 

Weather was still warmish today, high of 91 here, 81 as we speak.  Supposed to be cooler tomorrow. 

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