Sunday, June 10, 2012

Another full day-

Slept in a little Saturday morning, since we didn't get home until 1230 am, and we fiddled with the schedule a tad, but still managed to have another full day.

Left the motor home at about 1130, and first stop was right in town for the Brunswick Train Museum, which is also a stop on the C & O Canal-  This is a 3 story museum of the town of Brunswick, and the top floor has a wonderful full size model train layout-  Brunswick sort of owed its existence to the B & O Railroad in the early days, and even today the main lines of the CSX are right out our back door, and the town is a main stop for the MARC commuter line.

Next, we stopped in Sharpsburg, about 13 miles up the road at a Subway for lunch, then went to Antietam Battlefield-  There were three stops there, including the Pry House, which is a museum of Field Hospitals-  It was sort of the original MASH unit, where a Doctor treated people severely injured in the field.  Their specialty was amputations...

Then, we got to Ferry Hill Plantation, which was close by-  This stop was a part of the C & O Canal-  and was the site of a big plantation house
Then, we got over to Manassas Battlefield- which had 3 sites there.  A farm interpretive center, an old stone house, and the main visitor's center.

Then, right on schedule, we went to another double header at the Potomac Nationals.  Coop got 4 balls today, and he got to run the bases with the mascot, and got a T Shirt for that. 

Today is Baltimore-  we'll be leaving by 8 and it's about 60 miles over there, and we have Hampton National Site, Fort McHenry National Monument and Shrine, and then President's Street, and then we have 3 rd base field box seats for the Orioles vs the Phillies at Camden Yards-  that starts at 1:35. 

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