Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hot day today for a ball game...

Cooper and I got up early with a busy agenda, and we pretty much made our goals....

First up was a trip to Baltimore Metro area, which was about 60 miles away, and first stop was Hampton NHS-  Hampton was a huge estate that has been preserved-  nice site.
Then, we headed downtown to Fort McHenry National Historic Site and Shrine, the site where the National Anthem had its origins...
We had a bit of a struggle getting there thanks to the GPS, but it was signed pretty well, and we did get there, along with 6 busloads of kids from Oregon. 

Then, we tried for the President's Street Station, but passed on it, since we couldn't find parking, and then headed directly to Camden Yards for a game between the Orioles and the Philadelphia Phillies.  Huge crowd, pretty much a sellout, 45 thousand plus, but it was ungodly hot.  90 plus.

We decided to leave the game a bit early, since it was just too hot, and we were able to make it back to President Street Station, where I got 5 stamps and lots of pins. 

We got home about 5 or so.  Terrific day, and all the Baltimore locations are knocked out.  Still plan to do a revisit to the area on the way home, we'll see.

Tomorrow, we head on up to Gettysburg Thousand Trails, with a stop in at Gettysburg and Eisenhower National Parks, plus a swing by the Appalachain Trail Office in Boiling Springs Pa. 

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