Thursday, March 22, 2012

Nothin to it!!

Well, we were expecting a three to four hour surgery- after only 35 or 40 minutes, the doctor walked into the room and said he was all done-  no invasion, no side effects, a very very small incision, and that Deanna did super!!
Yesterday, she was up and out of her bed by 2 pm, and walking too! She's doing so well that she was discharged from the hospital today back to Ronald McDonald house, and she will be able to return home tomorrow!! 

Lots of big smiles and sighs of relief around here. 

So now, we'll head for home in the morning, stopping at Jackson (Pearl) Miss for a baseball venue on the way home, then two stops for the Selma to Montgomery NHT, then probably make Montgomery for overnight, then on into St Augustine on Sunday. 

1 comment:

RV Goddess said...

Blessed! Such good news. Thank you!