Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The gang's all here...

The gang rolled in town about 330 or so, and got settled in at the Ronald McDonald House, and then we met out at Corky's for dinner, which is a favorite of Deanna's.
I took a phone photo, but for some reason, it won't upload properly...

While waiting yesterday, I ran over to Corinth, Ms, and then up to Shiloh National Battlefield and the the Big Hill  Pond State park to pick up some missing stamps from previous visits.. 

This is the Civil War Interpretive Center for the Corinth Ms

The VC for Big Hill Pond

This is the VC for Shiloh NMB. 
Today, we'll run into town for provisions, then later this afternoon, we'll head over to the hospital to visit Deanna, as she rests up for her surgery tomorrow. 

1 comment:

RV Goddess said...

Thinking of you and yours.