Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happily back at Coquina in the rain

We had about 350 miles from Dothan Alabama to Coquina Saturday in the rain- at least the coach got a good washing.  We pulled into home about 130 and got all unpacked, and its good to be home, especially since we had such a good outcome. 

Now, we will await news from New Jersey to see if we have to head up there- and I will begin to also plan the quick two or three day baseball trip that I have planned for the Florida State League.  That will add 12 pins and baseballs to the collection. 

Bette has a mah-jong tournament today- I got all caught up at Lander, so that was good. 
Hot weather all this next week in the mid 80's.  We will be leaving Florida just at the right time! 

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