Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 30 - To do Texas, you have to drive it!

Got an 0830 start this morning in sunny Terlingua Texas, and then headed for our original destination, Amistad National Recreation Area, near Del Rio Texas, a trip of about 228 miles.  Original plan was to overnight there-  well, we wound up doing a drive by- and kept on going until we wound up at Laredo Texas. 

First try at Wal Mart was not good-  We didn't see the barriers for low clearance, their way of telling you no overnight parking, and wound up going to a second location, so we're all good. 

Trip for today wound up being 450 miles, and we passed some of the most god-forsaken, ugly desert scenery on the trip.  It was also near 90 in the area today. 
As I type this, at 7:49 pm it is 82 soggy degrees here in Laredo.

Laredo is clearly a major entry point for goods being trucked into the country from Mexico- The parking lots all around are jammed with bobtails probably waiting pick ups in the morning....  Very very busy town. 

On the way out of Big Bend, we stopped at the Persimmon Gap Visitors Station, and got the last of the stamps for that park-  

Got the one park stamp for Amistad NRA, they said the 25th was "in the archives."  

Tomorrow, new plans are to run 182 miles down to Harlingen, then unhook, so I can run over to Palo Alto National Battlefield, then drive up to Corpus Christi and spend the night there at a Wal Mart, or a campground if we can find one. 

At Corpus, I had three things to do, may only now just go to the National Seashore. 

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