Friday, July 22, 2016

July 22nd Today was shopping day

Today was a full day of shopping. 

First was the Super Shoe Store, no luck.  Then to the Kittery Trading Post, no luck.  Then to Michael's and Bette found some Card Stock she wanted.  Then to Sam's Club, got a few things there then to Wal Mart, and spend 128 dollars!  Stopped on the way back to get my daily papers, all told, 266 dollars for the day! 

Lots of traffic on the way back in, typical Maine weekend on Friday afternoon.  Staying in for the next two days, due to traffic.  Will go to the pancake supper next door tomorrow.

Redid major parts of my filing system today, and consolidated a bunch. 

Trish and Shawn treated dinner tonight, delicious leftovers from her Dad's memorial service. 

Saw these the other day:

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