Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Early trip ending, of course

Bette decided we should cut off three days of the trip, and head directly to Alliance in Wildwood to get the repairs done to the coach as early as possible.  So naturally, we did that. 264 miles up Florida's turnpike to Wildwood- dropped the coach off, and then another 75 miles or so back to Coquina.   

Had a terrific trip to the Keys, loved it, wouldn't mind doing it again some time.  Did 8 state parks, 4 lighthouses, and 4 National Parks, no baseball this trip, but I did get a Clearwater Threshers pin I sent away for, so now don't have to go back there.  Will be busy planning other quick day trips to get more State Parks around.  

Got all caught up on School work- found out I'll be going to another Palatka Blue Grass festival this weekend with the Andersons-  looking forward to that.  

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