Monday, January 6, 2014

Running right along.. to the Doctors......

At this stage in life, in Florida anyway, you have your Doctors on speed dial, and you know to get in the pre-paid lane at the Wal Mart, to avoid the long lines.  I had to go yesterday to get my regular scrips refilled, and got scared pretty bad when they told me it was going to be $450 for my meds-  seems the state had changed insurance carriers, and I had forgotten to have them put my new card on file.  Final cost 34.50  Big difference!

Bette went back to the knee Dr this morning at 8, got the bandage off, and goes back Friday for a brace fitting and her two or so stitches out.  

I went to the Dentist, and discovered I had a cracked in half crown, which means the tooth will be extracted, and he is going to make a 3 tooth bridge for the front.  That was a 3000 dollar visit, time we get through.  

Tomorrow is eye Dr for regular follow up, then back to the Dentist at 10 for a couple of hours, Wed is Dr Perez for RA, Friday is Dr for Bette's knee, then follow up for me with Dr for nose.  Bingo Friday night.   

Then, we pack up for an early Sat morning departure to Greenwood for three weeks.  

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