Friday, January 3, 2014

Bette's operation a success!

Bette's procedure for her knee was easy-peazy.  She was called in early, on the table for about 40 minutes, back home in 2 hours, and is resting comfortably on the couch with an ice pack.  Dr. Grimes was pleased and said she should be good as new.  

Anxiously awaiting the arrival tomorrow of our Greenwood pals Bill and Porter, they may be here as long as a couple of months this time, hoping for excursion fun, eating out fun, fishing, photo excursions, and visiting!!!   We will be sadly up in Greenwood for 3 weeks so I can be professorial at Lander, and we have a 10 day trip to the Keys in there,  but we will have lots of time for them.  

Coldest day in 2 years this morning, temp was 35 or 36 with 20 mph winds.  Ugh.  

Spent a good deal of time cleaning up loose ends for Cooper's trip to California this summer, got all of the motels reserved, and now just have to do the car, and see about which ball games he wants to or not go to.  Big trip, lots of running around, but totally looking forward to it.  

Bette goes back to Dr Mon am, I have a dentist appt for a root canal Mon at 10, Wed is Dr Perez for my RA, Friday is back to the nose Dr., Friday night is bingo, then Saturday we are leaving for Greenwood for 3 weeks.  

That is all~!

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