Thursday, January 9, 2014

Medical update

Well, let's see.  I went to the eye Dr., glaucoma pressure is elevated, meaning I will have two new laser surgeries, one eye in late March, the other in mid April.  

Went to Dr Perez, she did three blood tests to check against baselines, and prescribed a new medicine for my bone density issues.  Still hoping to get all the way off prednisone soon.

Bette went back to knee doc this morning and got her big knee brace, still has to go in tomorrow at 8 to have her two stitches removed-  then I go see the Nose Dr. tomorrow at 0830-  Just in the last two days, the nose seems to have finally settled down a bit.  

Monday, I went to see Dr Sindad, and got totally beat up.  Turns out I had a cracked crown again, with a big fracture in the tooth, so out it came, one of my eye teeth, and a temporary three tooth bridge has been installed.  He worked about 45 minutes to get the tooth out, plus doing a root canal on another one-  I am and was whipped.  Go back when I get back from Greenwood to have the permanent bridge installed, but at least my front teeth will be more lined up and "natural" now, having been out of alignment since I got smacked in the mouth in 8th grade by a jealous suitor over a mutual girl friend... sucker punch it was.  

We are packing the car tomorrow for a three week trip up to Greenwood so I can teach my hybrid on line class at Lander-  really really looking forward to that.  It's a final Sr seminar class in Public Relations, and I'm grateful to be asked to teach it.  Its called PR courses and campaigns.  

Looking forward to quality time with the grandsons, and maybe a side trip or two if we can squeeze it in.  I go back in April for three weeks also to receive and grade their final projects, plus Cooper and Brandon will be out for their spring break, and we may go somewhere with them. 

Tomorrow night is Bingo night, Porter and Bill are in town, and we are hoping they will come to play.   

That is all caught up.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You and Miss Betty have a lot of things going on! So you're having laser surgery this April? I hope that will turn out well. And a cracked crown is definitely a bummer. Good thing you had that fixed pronto. I hope the bridge was done successfully, that'll sure to bring back smiles. I wish you and Betty the best of health this April!

Jason @ Metro Dental