Sunday, October 6, 2013

The "Line Up"and dinner at Crispers

The Garage sale went on for the last two days-  moved a lot of stuff, mostly junk of course, here is what the back side golf cart parking lot looked like with all the helpers carts- they just put this in this year-  Saturday night Andy, Jo, Bette and I went out to Crispers to have dinner, and then Sunday they had a big dinner for all the volunteers-  seems this may be the last one ever, since the organizers, the Schultz's are "retiring" which is Coquina speak for they've had enough of the crap that goes with such a major event-  This was/is our major fundraiser, (around 10,000 a year), so it will be interesting to see what happens.  It was a lot of hard work- 

Today, the Andersons and us are scheduled to go to some Catholic Church bazaar and food fest down in Hastings, I believe- maybe Vermont Heights even. 

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