Friday, October 4, 2013

Big garage sale, and dinner at Jims

Every year they have a huge garage sale here in the compound for the public- and everyone cleans out their house of old junk and it winds up being the main money maker for our community, last year I think we cleared about 13,000 dollars-  Spent most of the day yesterday riding around with Andy in a 26 foot U Haul picking up stuff that had been stored in garages awaiting the sale- 

Then, at 630 or so, a group of 6 of us went over to Jims for dinner-  Sorry for the poor photo, didn't realize the server was picking up the menus.   Had a nice dinner, and sore today, for sure. 
We ate outside with the gnats and palmetto bugs-  

I also made appointments for next week for Amanda at PT about by back and neck, and Dr Miller for my rotten sinuses-  and have another round with the dentist next week also. 

They are starting on the repairs to the coach down at Alliance, still haven't heard from them as yet about the consignment to sell it.

Also found out yesterday I'm teaching a new course next semester at Lander, that will require me to be on campus for a couple of weeks. Looking forward to it. 

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