Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Interesting visit with Dr Miller

I was able to get in to see Dr Miller today, my nose guy.  I had really been having problems with my sinuses and such, and Dr Brian set me up.  I really like Dr Miller, he is super professional and very thorough and crisp. 

I managed to come up with a laundry list of possible problems:

Our plan of attack on this is to work for a couple of weeks really clearing out and clearing up the sinus cavities, then I will have a complete CT scan of the sinuses and we will go from there.  I have a series of 4 day medicines to take, antibiotics in case there is an infection, two different nasal sprays to attack the blockage, and the dreaded Neti Pot.  Ugh, but at least we will clean out the crud that may be in there.  Then, on Oct 22nd, the Scan.

Also working on the spinal/cervical issues now with Amanda my PT person, and looking forward to that having an effect-  that plus two visits to the Dentist this week, and I will be a new man!!

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