Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Visit to the Upper Delaware S&RR

I had thought I had visited here before, but it turns out I had not!  The Upper Delaware is actually not associated with the Delaware Water Gap area, as I had thought.  It actually resides in New York state, and upper Pennsylvania. 

I took basically a big loop trip today: 


First leg was 43 miles up to stop 2 on the map, which was the Berryville Ranger Station- 
It was listed as a maybe stop on the Data Base, since it was rarely staffed- 

I actually almost gave up on the location, since it wasn't clearly marked, but luckily, I did check, and determined that this in fact was the location-  well, when I first got there, it was locked up tight, so I took a couple of photos, and as luck would then have it, a Law Enforcement Ranger drove up and let me in, and I got the 4 stamps for this location!  They had not been gotten since last September!  

Then, I drove almost 6 miles up the road to the next stop, the Roebling Bridge Toll House, but it was closed also.  Someone had previously reported that this location may be a bust, but it was worth the check. No stamp here. 

Thanks to information provided by the Ranger at Berryville, I went a half a mile across the bridge to the Zane Gray Museum.   Got two stamps here, plus a pin for the Upper Delaware. 

Then, on a chance, I headed about 12 miles up the road to Narrowsburg NY, which was listed as an information center/bookstore.  It was listed as being open only Fri, Sat and Sun, and it was in fact closed. 

Then, a mile and a half across the river, the park Headquarters was next, got two stamps there, and then learned that the Narrowsburg location will be permanently closed after Labor Day. 

Then on another chance, I headed about 6 miles up to the Milanville Ranger Station, and found out that this location was not a stamping location anymore. There were supposed to be two stamps there, but one had never been confirmed, and the other was last confirmed in 2007! 

I had a notion I would head back to Narrowsburg on Sunday, but I may pass on that now, have to wait and see. 

Pretty scenery today! 

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