Monday, July 30, 2012

The Quoddy Light houses....

In the Lubec Maine area, there are two "Qouddy" lighthouses, East and West.

The East Quoddy is on Campobello Island, at the tip- you drive up to a dead end, and then if you have hit it right, which we didn't, you can walk across a spit of land after the tide abates- so as a result, we had to admire the beautiful lighthouse from a bit afar, as we didn't have time to wait the three hours for the tide.....
This is a very photgraphed lighthose!!!!

Then, we drove back over to the American Side, and proceeded to West Quoddy- Here, you drive right up to the grounds, which are open, there is a gift shop/museum there, but you can't go inside the lighthouse.  I did get two Lighhouse Society stamps here....

It was a rainy coolish day on our visit-  I stopped in at a store and got a mini lighthouse for my collection in Florida....

Also got a toy boat labeled Campobello for the collection in Florida....

We also got a photo only of the Lubec Channel light, since it's out in the bay, and not accessable:

Had a great visit at Roosevelt Campobello- watched the movie this time, and got a pin- 

On the way back, we saw this sight, and stopped to shoot it- It's the "Little Scotty" at rest, it's time of service is now through.....

Even though it rained most of the day, it was still a great tour......

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