Monday, July 23, 2012

Short day up to Bangor, Maine

Left New Hampshire about 0930 this morning, and took our time getting up to Camp Wal Mart for tonight, at Bangor Maine.  This is a huge Wal Mart!

We're way back in what should be a quiet zone- The durn Sat doesn't work, can't find a signal.  Guess there is something wrong in the cables or something.  Back to plan B-  stopping in at Seacoast on Fri the 18th when we get back down to Wells. 

We fueled up at Kennebunk rest area- put in $200 at 3.79 a gal.

Then we decided to stop at MM 102 and had a quick meal at Burger King-  nice new rest area here. 

We got settled into Wal Mart about 230 or so, then went provision shopping for a bit, then I ran up the road a few miles to the Univ of Maine and got a pin and T Shirt, and a Soccer T shirt for Brandon.  Beautiful campus,, dates from 1865.

Tomorrow is a short ride up to the Moose Head Lake area of Maine, and a four day visit with our pals the Coles from Coquina Crossing in St Augustine. 

1 comment:

denden said...

plan to have a roller house someday.