Sunday, July 22, 2012

Boston Run

Tina Cooper, Alli and I got in the car at 830 on Saturday morning, and ran on down to Boston for a day trip.   We parked right at the Mariott Long Wharf and then walked across the street and caught the water taxi over to Charlestown Navy Yard for a tour of what was there- I got 9 stamps from three locations!
"Old Ironsides"  Still a commissioned ship in the Navy....

The USS Cassin Young, a destroyer
 Then, we walked up to Bunker Hill Monument, and Cooper actually walked up to the top, but I didn't get his picture there...
Then, we got road warrior savvy and I hired a taxi for the hour, so we wouldn't have to walk around town.  In rapid succession, we rode back down to TD Bank arena, the old Boston Garden where the Celtics and Bruins play.  Cooper checked out the Pro Shop, but things were too expensive.... 

Then, we ran over to the Boston African American Museum, which is a stamp location, and I got 3 Stamps there:

Then, we went downtown to 14 Beacon Street, but it was closed, since they were having a special presentation in the park- so I missed my stamps there....

Then, we went down to Quincy Market and Faneuil Hall, and shopped around for about 3 hours or so....

The highlight of the day was a visit for lunch to Dick's Last Resort, which is a fun place to eat. 

This morning, we got up at 0530, and shuttled Cooper and Tina back to the Manchester Airport, and they took off at 8, went to Chicago, then landed at Greenville Spartanburg  at 1230. 

So now we are caught back up-  We stayed here at Saddleback an additional night tonight- so tomorrow we will just head directly up to Bangor Maine and stay at Camp Wal Mart for the night before we head on up to Moose Head Lake for a four day stay. 

Today Les, the owner of the campground came over and changed out our LNB for the sat dish, and for the first time since the beginning of the trip, we have sat TV again!  We had to call Direct TV to get the receiver turned back on, but we are good it appears!!!!

Yea, HGTV again!!!!
We also got to change our site today, to site 10, so we got off our stilts!  We also got to get to the dump station this morning too.  So now were good to go tomorrow, just head on out. 

Forgot to mention that we did a Coop birthday too on Sat Night, Happy 12th Buddy!
Looking forward to out visit with the Coles up at Moose Head Lake. 

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