Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Quick Run for ReVisit to Lowell NHP in Mass.

We went 53 miles down to Lowell, Mass. today, Cooper and I to make a revisit to the Lowell NHP.  We had been here in 201o, but just got one stamp on the visit, having only visited the Main VC. 

This trip, I got a total of 6 stamps, and was able to visit the Main VC, then we walked over to the Moody Street Feeder Gatehouse, which was supposed to be open, but was locked. Crap- that is one of the ones on the most wanted list of stamps from my club, so we were denied there.  Then we drove over to the "Mill Girls and Immigrants exhibit, which was an interesting interpretation of the boarding house lifestyle of the immigrant young women who came to work in the mills back in the early days, 1820-1920. 

Then we headed over to the Boott Cotton Mills Museum, which is a very well done recreation of a working cotton mill from the days.  It was very reminisent for me of the mills in Newberry that I was aware of.  Same 4 floors, same story, you went to work on the bottom floor, and worked your way up. 

Then, we drove over to the Frances Gate Locks, and got a stamp there. 

We also got a chance to run over to LaLechere Park, the home of the Lowell Spinners, the short season A team of the Red Sox, for a revisit, and this time, I did find a hat pin, and a ball for the whole of the NY Penn League. 

Had a huge rain storm while we were there, but none here. 
Tomorrow, we are off to Manchester airport to get Cooper's tickets, then to a ball game with the New Hampshire Fisher Cats and the Portland Sea Dogs. 

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