Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fishing and Day Trip on the boat at Moosehead Lake

Got up early this morning, and headed back up to Lily Bay, and then Steve, Elliott and I headed out to the lake for 3 hours or so of fishing.  Sadly, not much luck at all, 3 bites, one very small salmon for the effort.  NO trophy fish this time.....
Steve and Wendy's place (camp they call them up here) is one of the most beautiful spots I've seen, it's been in the family since the early 1940's-

We went back and picked up the women about 1130, and went on what turned out to be about a 40 mile boat ride up half of the lake and back, to the Mount Kimeo area of the lake.  This is an old resort part of the lake, and quite beautiful, it is a big flint rock outcropping...

This is Mt Kimeo up close, we were in 150 feet of water, just a hundred yards offshore!
The shot here is Mount Katahdin, which is the starting place for the Appalachain Trail, which is about 25 miles from where we were on the lake, and about 40 miles from their house....  So now I have sort of been at both ends of the trail...
Also on the way back, we saw the old Steam ship the Katahdin, plying the waters of the lake as it has done since about 1900 or so.  Beautiful old ship.... 

Tomorrow, we'll sleep in a bit, then shop in town, then we are meeting the family for dinner out, then going to another Rocky Morris Concert.  Saturday sadly, we head out to Calais Maine for a couple of days, then on over to Lubec, then Bar Harbor. 

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