Friday, July 13, 2012

Catching up

Since we added a week back here at Moody Beach early in August, we scaled back our Boston travel plans a bit and have been sticking closer by Outdoor world the last few days.

We took a short field trip down to Newburyport Mass, an old sea side shipping town just over the state line, and spent a leisurely day shopping and checking out the local scenery....Cooper's summer pal Leanna went with us, and we spent a beautiful day doing not much..... they tried to tour the lighthouse, but found out it was privately owned! 

On Wednesday night, we went to a local church for a concert by Rocky Morris, who is a touring country gospel singer who hails from our old area of Prosperity SC.  It was great to see him, he is singing better than ever, and we got 4 of his CD's, and for a special treat, went out to the Maine Diner in Wells for dinner after. 

Thursday afternoon, we met up with our Florida pals from Coquina for our annual Maine Lunch at the famous Fisherman's Catch here in Wells.  The Colagiovannis drove up from Dracut Mass for the day, and the Lacretas came in from their summer home in Wells.  Had a great lunch, then a terrible experience as we were victimized by their policy of not splitting checks, either at the time of the order, nor at the time to pay. Very stupid rule, which will have the effect of us never going there ever again.  They steadfastly refused to break up the check.  Claimed they were too busy to do so.  We will certainly vote with our pocketbook in the future. 

Today was the first real hot and humid day we've had since we got here in late June, temps around 90 or so....  We decided to head up to Portland and do some lighthouse tours, which we did, including the Portland Observatory, then stopped by the Mall of Maine on our way back home. 
Leanna joined us again-  this shot is at the Portland Head Lighthouse- 

Tomorrow, I may head on down to Portsmouth for some touring and then check out a couple of the Mall stores down there, since there is no tax in New Hampshire...  Bette has been darkly hinting that she would like a new laptop....

We got a new Weber gas grille today, just the perfect size for we two, and are very happy with it.  My neighbor Shaun helped me set it up when he got in, and we test fired it up, and she is good.  Hamburgers and hot dogs tomorrow night!

In full take it easy mode until Monday, when we have to pull up stakes and head over to our new home for a week in New Hampshire, and we will be bidding farewell to Cooper on July 22, as he will be boarding his flight for Greenville SC at 8 that morning.  Been great having him with us this summer! 

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