Monday, July 9, 2012

Beautiful Sunday at Boston Harbor Islands, Little Brewster Island

Cooper and I headed down to downtown Boston Sunday morning so we could do a bit of downtown, and then take a 3 hour trip on a boat out to Little Brewster Island, which is part of the Boston Harbor Islands NRA. 

We got right to town, and parked in a parking garage- then walked over to Faneuil Hall, which was just about across the street.
We stopped in at Quincy Market Place, so Coop could eat- He made sure he wore his Yankee Shirt in Boston.....

We walked around to all of the shops, and I got a pin or two, and a Harvard Univ baseball, and then we headed over to the boat. It was a bit warmish in town today, so it was nice to get out on the boat.  We had about a 45 minute ride over to the island.

The whole island is just an acre and a half, and we had a full boat today, so we had to wait a bit as they only let 8 people at a time climb up to the top of the lighthouse. 

When we got there, we were greeted by Sally the lighthouse keeper.  She is the 49th keeper of the lighthouse, and the first female.   She and her husband actually live on the island in the keeper's cottage.

They live here

To get to the top, you climb 79 stairs, then climb 2 ladders-  Coop freaked out at first, then he did do the climb.  It was fun to do!

The reward of course is always the view from the top- and this was no exception!
We reboarded the boat at about 4, made our way back to town, and then headed home-  a wonderful day.  Decided to take the day off today, and rest. 

Bette is up at the stained glass shop doing her stepping stones.  Cooper is in back playing his PS3 with a new friend. 

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