Friday, July 6, 2012

As MeatLoaf famously said, two out of three ain't bad...

The day started off right in the crapper, we had an 9 am appt for the coach up at Sea Coast to have the door and dish worked on. 

Got up at 0630, ran over to Dunkin Doughnuts, got fuel and papers, and got back to the coach, only to learn that the main awning would not retract.  Nada.  Zilch.  DAMN. 

We were stumped, looked like we had power, changed out fuses, and still dead as a doornail. 

So we called up to SeaCoast, and told them we were stuck, and they said no worries, Mike (the owner actually) would be along soon. 
We waited, and waited....  then Steve called and said they had an emergency at the shop, and Mike would be here about 130.  Fine says I, and we wait.

Steve comes pretty much at 130, and we discovered the problem, there must have been 30 gallons of water in the middle of the awning, and it simply couldn't lift the water, Water, you know, weighs like 8.6 pounds a gallon, so the old girl could just not furl up.  So, we are crossed off the list.

We attack the door next, and our worst fears were unfounded, what was involved was an adjustment to the strike plates, pretty much, so we now are about 97% better on that score.  Still have a problem with the key fob lock, but
that is off the list.  Score.

Then on to the Dish.  On cue, we got the "No LNB voltage" reading, but we do have juice up to the dish, and power to the box, both of which were denied at the amateur Camping World place that charged us almost 400 dollars to diagnose.  Screw them.

We now think that we in fact have some bad LNB's, unusual, but that is Mike's story and he's sticking to it.  They are calling it in to Winegard, and will call us with the solution, most likely a quick trip up that way to fix at his lot so we don't have any trees and he has all the tools, etc etc etc.  Not a problem.

On the up side, we now have local TV at least, Mike did some minor rehab work on our wind up Winegard, so we are all fixed, and we got a mini tutorial on how to do that in the campground, so that is good

So actually, we got 2.5 out of 3 things fixed today.  No money changed hands, which is a neat way of doing business.  Nice fellow, the boss, and he surely knows his stuff. 

Bette went up to the Stained Glass place today and got the glass for her two additional stepping stone orders, and is busily cutting glass for those.  I am hoping to contract with a neighbor camper who is a master finish carpenter to make me a wing ding baseball rack, for the Florida House, so that will be a win win, since Bette is making them a stepping stone. 

Tomorrow now looks like an off day, Bette will have to go to the glass shop to do some work, so Coop and I may ride the trolley over to Perkins Cove or something.  Sunday, we are headed to Boston driving, and then depending on the repair schedule, I may spend up to three days in Boston next week, doing the National Parks. 

Back to more normal.  Bette has a happy smile on her face, she got to see her soaps live today.  Peace in the valley. 

Thanks to my good friend Dan, we got our first mail drop today, thanks Pal, for your help in getting us the goods, had 4 checks for us in there!!!!

Hamburgers and hot dogs across the way tonight, then cheesecake for all. 

Life is good.

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