Monday, July 30, 2012

Back on the air again- In Ellsworth (Bar Harbor) Maine

Just a note to catch up, we were put off the air for a couple of days because of the fact we were so near the Canadian border at Calais, Maine, that the mifi picked up a Canadian cell tower, and I got an email "warning" me that since I was in Canada, I was being charged 2.05 per mb for data. 

A quick call to Verizon customer service got us satisgfaction, well, actually the second call, but we had no choice but to stay off air, so here we are back. on full Verizon 4 bars- I can see the tower 800 feet from us. 

We are at Camp Wal Mart in Ellsworth Maine, along with about so far 8 other coaches.  When we pulled in earlier, the store ASM said that technically there was an ordinance about overnight parking, but that it wasn't strictly enforced, so I guess there is strength in numbers.....  We checked out a couple of other campgrounds by actually driving there, the stupid ass ELS campground, Patten Pond, refused to take Passport America, even though the PPA website said that they did, so screw them and ELS, and the other campground was closed up tight.  So we decided to take the risk of staying here tonight-  and may well the next two nights also. 

Today, we got here to Ellsworth, and then unhooked, and went back to tour the Schoodic Peninsula, a part of Acadia National Park we had not previously visited-  Wow, double wow-  I'll do a seperate post with the scenes I took-  There is a large Education Center on the site, which was formerly a Navy base, that was turned over to the National Park System in 2002-  it is beautiful-  Would have been a great duty station- they did hush hush communication work there, it seems.  Also, there is an old Rockefeller property on the site.  Beautiful old stone building- The Rockefellers are up here in a big way, Acadia was essentially their private playground for several years, and they all had nice summer homes up here. 

This is the Rockefeller Center.

I'll be doing several more small posts with some of the highlights of the last two days......

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