Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Coach Problems... Now what???

Well, the ghost of the Super Nova past is catching up with us it seems. 

The Sat dish controller seems to be broken, it is not putting out any power-  I would have thought the shop here would have had a controller in stock, but they didn't.  Their solution so far is to charge me 130 dollars for diagnosis of the problem, and no answer so far today as to when a new controller might arrive, at least that problem is plug and play.  Now to independently verify the problem with Winegard tomorrow myself with their tech dept.

We did get the closet doors back on track, and there is still a big crack in the window, seems that will need further repairs when we get off the trip down in Wildwood. 

As we were pulling out, the front steps failed.  Seems its a bad controller there also, and of course, they don't have that part, either.  No answer today either on part availablility. 

Plus, it rained steadily and fairly hard most of the day, so no trip for Cooper today to Hershey, so now that schedule is all messed up.

Also, we experienced some scary/ loud squeaking of the brakes and I ''m not happy with that, so I'm pretty sure we'll schedule a check of that at Coach Care while we are here. 

So now the delimma is:  have to wait until tomorrow for the local shop to advise us of several things:  first, the availablility and arrival date of the parts we need, they were originally talking 3 days, which means at least Friday-  more dollars of course if the parts are air freighted, which we would have to pay for-  also, they have to call the warranty company and see to what degree they will pay for any work, plus the 320 dollars of "diagnostics" were are already on the hook for. 

We originally had only 4 days scheduled for Hershey, then planned to be at Allentown on Saturday for a ball game, then Sunday and Monday over in Jersey, and we have tickets for a Monday night game at Yankee Stadium.  Crap-  either we get this done by Friday, or if we don't, we have to come back and get off schedule after Sunday/Monday in Jersey, plus now, probably on Thursday, I'm going to take the coach into Coach Care for them to look at the brakes..... 

We have lousy, super slow internet connections here, plus as is typical of Hershey, all the "prime" spots were gone when we arrived, so we wound up in C section, but at least we got a handicapped spot next to the wash room with 50 amp and sewer. 

At least it stopped raining about 30 minutes ago. 

Cooper will probably go to Hershey park tomorrow all day, which will give me a day off, so I can get caught up on some things.  I'll be spending lots of time tomorrow on the phone chasing down plans and parts, and appointments. 

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