Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Big Opening night at State College Spikes

Cooper and I went to the opening night of the season for the State College Spikes vs the Williamsport Cross Cutters-  this is the short season A rookie New York Penn league.  They play on the campus of Penn State Univ, right next to the huge Beaver Stadium for football-  very nice venue.  The Spikes won, lots of errors it being the first game I guess-  Big crowd of 5012.  They had skydivers deliver the opening ball and the new coach of the Penn State football team put out the first pitch.  Got a ball and Pin, glad we went.  Got front row seats but no baseballs. 

Tonight, we are going to Williamsport Pa to see the same two teams in action, but at their stadium tonight.  Also stopping in at the Little League World Series Museum and Ball fields. 

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