Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Big day in the City

Cooper and I left Hamilton Train Station at 8:20- got into the city at 9:30- and walked directly to the Empire State Building, which he wanted to see, (all the way to the top!). Turned out we got there just in time, pretty much right as they were opening up-  we had no lines to speak of, and got right to the 88th floor observation deck-  then, we bought our special tickets to get up to 102nd floor- and it was awesome. 
The view downtown from 102nd floor-  the New World Trade Building is at the very end.

The main lobby of the building

Another downtown view- it was about 65 degrees- beautiful day.

Then, we took a subway downtown to Orchard Street and headed to the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, which is an affiliate of the NPS.  This building represents the homesteads of the millions of settlers in the city who lived in these buildings for a century. 

Then, we headed over to the South Street Seaport, taking a taxi.  We browsed the mall, then headed over to the South Street Seaport Museum, and enjoyed that tour.   We also did the Lighhouse Ship the Ambrose, but they didn't have the Lighhouse Stamp. 

A sand castle construction in the mall-

Then, we walked on down to the Visitors Center for Governor's Island, and I got a stamp there, even though the VC was not manned. 
Then, for fun, we decided to ride the Staten Island Ferry, since it was free, and it was such a nice day, do we spent an hour or so doing that.

Then, we walked over to Castle Clinton NM, got 2 stamps there, and Cooper was chosen out of the crowd to help out with some street performers- 

Then, we went up to the Federal Center, walking, which is on Wall Street right at the Stock Exchange, and got a couple of stamps there-

Then we thought we would gamble and try to go up to 122nd street and see the General Grant Memorial, but we got there about 5 minutes too late.  So we decided to go ahead and start to head over to Yankee Stadium, since we had tickets for the game.  We first got in a taxi, but for the first time ever, we got a driver who had no idea how to get to Yankee Stadium from 125th street!  We got out of the cab, and luckily, there was a subway a block away, so we got a ride up and changed trains- then got to the stadium! 

Very exciting, Yankee Stadium.   We had seats on the 4th deck, front row, so had a good view of the game, Yankees vs Braves.  CC Sabathia was pitching, and went a complete game, and the Yanks won 6-2, their 11th straight game!
The stadium and scoreboard...

Derek Jeter at the bat
We left the game at the 8th inning, since we were both pretty tired, and wanted to beat the crowds... good thing we did.  Got a train back to Penn Station, and luckily, walked right into the next train to Hamilton on the Jersey Transit, and got the 1011 train to Hamilton.... Got back in at 1130, then to the coach, asleep, 
and then, up at 6 this morning to head over to Harrisburg. 

Still sitting at Harrisburg waiting for the Winegard people to try to resolve the sat issue- I'm about ready to pull the plug. Been sitting here 4 hours.  The steps and door are fixed.  We are ready to go.

We're planning on heading to State College Pa.  Ball game tonight! 

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