Sunday, May 27, 2012

Misc. Greenwood stuff....

Been managing to totally vegetate first couple of days here in Greenwood:

Mentioned that we went to Brandon's athletic recognition thingie at Emerald High, thats him 3rd from right, with his JV Soccer mates. 
Yesterday was a pool party and multi- birthday for Tony and one of his pals, several of their friends came over and pooled it, and then we had a big grill out-

Tony was 45, his friend 48- so we economized on the candles.

Today, we are headed over to Cracker Barrel for Sunday lunch with our Greenwood pals, Bev and Dave and Andy and Val. 

Be working on trip stuff this afternoon, I think, heard from our Pals the Ritzes up near Gettysburg, and will have to squeeze in a visit while we are in Brunswick, Md. if we can. 

Cooper is enjoying his bus tour trip of Philadelphia, as we speak, they are on their way down to go through downtown Baltimore, then stop in at King's Dominion Amusement Park to let off some steam, then they travel all night long and get here at dark thirty in the morning, and of course he wants me to pick him up.... no worries! 

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