Friday, May 11, 2012

9 Days from Blast off!

Been working on final trip details for the last several days, firming up some reservations, adding a ball game or two, and fine tuning the routing.    I printed out our "Big League Tickets"  we're set for the Washington Nationals, the Baltimore Orioles, and the New York Yankees. 


Still haven't figured out how to load photos in order yet! 

We're leaving Sunday about noon for Wildwood Florida down near Ocala to have the coach worked on for a few minor issues at the Factory authorized Monaco dealer, and make sure we are ready for the big trip.  Then, the following Sunday, we're off! 

I did not get initiated into Elks, due to some sort of internal problem, but they said I was as good as a member, so we'll plan to stay at a couple of those facilities on the trip. 

Should be posting much more regularly starting soon, folks, I promise. 

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