Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 38- A 548 mile dash home- in about 12 hours..

Nothing fancy to report here, left Buccaneer by plan at 0620, pulled into our driveway at Coquina at 1815-  12 hours of straight Interstate.
Glad to be home, it was a fabulous trip- 

Got fairly well unpacked by now, which is 830, our neighbors kindly asked us over for dinner-

Sadly, Porter and Bill were not waiting for us, but we did have a wonderful CARE package from them-  love you guys!!!

Also finally got my CPAP supplies after waiting almost 4 months due to paperwork snafus and an overzealous clerk with too much power. 

Waded through the mail- nothing major there. 

Tomorrow, cleaning up, grocery shopping, and planning the Memphis trip. 

Monday, back to the routine- coffee club with the guys... 

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