Saturday, March 17, 2012

Coquina to Jasper First day of Memphis Trip-

Left Coquina close to schedule, at 0640, and pulled into Camp Wal Mart in Jasper Alabama at about 4 pm their time-  a trip of 514 miles-  mostly on Interstates 95, 10, and 75, with brief appearances for I-20.  Rest of the time was on US 82 and US 78, which is disguised as I-22.  Saw about 200 cars from Ontario on the I-10-I-75 corridor, all of them heading back up North, I reckon.  Also lots of cars from Minnesota... and Michigan. 

Max speed today was 74 (downhill), 9:18 of moving time, 55 mph avg moving time which was pretty good considering the slow times through Columbus Ga and Birmingham-  lots of red lights and an accident or two- on the other side...  Stopped twice for fuel, and rest stops, 47 mph overall speed, and 10:56 actual time on the road.  Fuel consumption was 8.1 mpg, and we used 62 gallons on the trip- 

That leaves us with about 3.5 hours into Memphis tomorrow, figure we'll get in early, get set up, and then see if we can find a flea market or something similar close by.  The rest of the gang won't be there until Monday and Tuesday-  The surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. 

Shout out to Bev-  feel better buddy! 

Also can report a "last supper on Friday night down at Harry's with Steve and Wendy, our besties from Maine-  We so love eating outside at Harry's- then heading up to St George Street for ice cream-  (not me) 

It warmed up a bunch in the last couple of hours today, almost 80 when we parked-  nice day for traveling. 

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