Saturday, February 11, 2012

Huge Trip Change......

We learned that our pal Jerry has had his surgery rescheduled for Feb 20th, so after Bette and I talked it over, we decided to stay here in Tucson for at least another week until Feb 24th to be a support team for Jerry and Judy. 

After looking hard at the schedule, we've decided to drop the San Diego portion of our trip off, and will head back towards Florida on the 24th. We'll probably fly back out to San Diego in April or May when we get back. 

I will be taking several longish day trips from our Tucson base to knock off the Southern Arizona National Parks that we had planned to visit, and its doable- Longest one is about 3 hours away, but it will be cheaper in the car anyway.... 

We'll pick up some major chunks of time, so we'll just slow down our return a little, and maybe something else will come up- 

Love planning in Jello!  Fortunately, we didn't have to cancel any reservations, we are now pretty much learning that we probably shouldn't make reservations on a short trip......

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