Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bad Buster Scare!!

Tonight, around 745 or so, Buster scared the bejesus out of us, he basically fainted on the floor of the coach, and wobbled, and I thought he was having a stroke- his breathing became very shallow, and he laid down and I thought was dying before our eyes....  He became very listless, but then after a few minutes, he seemed to be somewhat better. 

We frantically searched for a 24 hour vet, and fortunately, found one 8 miles away, we called and they said to bring him right over... we did, and had the great fortune of finding that particular outlet, the Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center. 

They took him right in, and checked him out, and fortunately, he seemed to rebound to his old self pretty quickly. 

Our instructions are to monitor him for the next day or so- so Bette cancelled her plans for tomorrow, and will hang out locally with Judy to do a dog watch. 

They took a blood sample and will send it off for a complete CBC doggie style just to make sure and give us a baseline for his care. 

By the time they brought him back to us, he was glad to see us, even with his shaved front paw where the took his blood! 

Got home by 930.  $384 dollars poorer, but richer in the fact that he seems to be ok. 

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