Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bette joins me in frozen shoulder land

Went to the Sports Medicine Doctor today that I saw for my frozen shoulder last year and Bette was diagnosed with pretty much the same thing, good news was she doesn't seem to have any torn rotator cuff worries, and an onset case of the frozen shoulder.
Same course of treatment I had,  muscle relaxers, which don't work, she won't take pain medication, so that's out, and starting next week, she gets to go the the PT's (Physical Terrorists) upstairs. 
3 weeks of PT, and if it isn't any better, a cortisone round, and then more brutality upstairs, which should do the trick, if she will religiously do her PT- we'll see.

We had a win today, (with a $15.00 tip) and got the trash fellows to pick up all of our residue from the flooring installation, so that worked out good.  We took our overage of stuff back to Home Depot this afternoon, and were like $238 to the good there. 

Then, off to Wal Mart for fill ins, and her medication.  She goes tomorrow to see Dr Lal for her nerve conduction test for her tingly fingers, I suspect that is connected to her neck operation of last year. 

Made some progress on the ball rack today, cut the side supports and painted the whole rig that we have so far, and sanded it.  Suspect we'll work on that again tomorrow. 

Have to run a friend's daughter up to Jacksonville airport tomorrow, so that will knock out three hours or so. 

Friday morning is the big annual pancake breakfast for the liar's club coffee group, we have like 45 or so signed up for that-  that will be fun.  

1 comment:

Marty & Shirley said...

Let's hope that the PT works for her, would HATE for her's to turn out like Shirley's.We'll find out if the PT is helping her on the 13th, she seems to think so. Would hate to see her go under the knife the second time. I suspect that the Dr is going to order at least another 8 to 12 weeks of PT if he doesn't have to operate.
Looking forward to the 20th, so we can sit down again together and chew the fat again.....marty