Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rock and Rollin along

Well, lets see- first, visit to eye dr reveals I have something he called "Stage 1 Glaucoma" which isn't too much of a surprise, I had been monitored for this for several years, seems my optic nerves are all jangly and there is too much pressure, and if not abated, I may loose my vision in 20 years or so-  for now, eyedrops to relieve the pressure, and another visit in 30 days.

Next, broke down and got an I phone 4s!  Really, really happy about that, and I got a 100 dollars off, so it was affordable.  Love the new phone, first apple product for me, and I really like it- did I say I like it?
Got a white 32 gb phone- 

Next, the new car apparantly didn't come in today as it was scheduled to, or it came in and they are still getting it ready, or whatever- they didn't call us one way or the other, so no new car.
Next, we got an Onyx Sirrius Radio which is a car/home version, because the Fit's radio wasn't Sirrus ready-  They had a deal where you got the radio free, which was like an 80 dollar value, and I had prepaid for a year of service with the old radio, so it was about a wash. 

Next, I called Blue Ox directly and saved about 400 dollars on the baseplates for the Fit to be towed, now have to shop around to find someone to put them on and wire it up before we leave for Miami on November 21st.  That should cost in the neighborhood of a couple of hundred. 

Have my consultation with the cardio guy tomorrow with regard to the stress/systimibi test, expect that will be a no brainer- 

Had a nice visit at Golden Lion with the Golden Lion bunch,

It was a windy but sunshiny day-  Also went to Sat supper at Harrys with the Kingstons- and split a sirloin steak that was yummy
Bette sold a few things at the craft fair, so good for her, and I did lots of school work this week, and my two classes for next semester have already had enough students sign up for them today, which was the first day of registration to be "official" classes, so that's good- Lots of oldtimers signed up for my history of journalism class- 

Just a couple of more weeks, and Cooper and Tina will be down for a week and we will head on down to Miami metro area in the motor mansion for a visit. 

Just routine Florida stuff-

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