Thursday, February 7, 2019

February 7th Still catching up!

Sorry for the delay in writing on the Blog-  been very busy taking care of Bette.  She's doing ok, but badly bruised up.  Also, sadly got word that Tioga George, and old blogger friend of mine, his old body just gave out.  Also got word that Gen. Leo Dulaki passed in Phoenix, he was 100 and used to play golf with dad.  I mentioned him at the funeral for dad and he was a close friend of the family.  We visited him when we were in Phoenix this summer. Glad we did that.  

Went to see Dr. Miller for a tooth filling which had broken on Wednesday. And went to see Dr. Sida the neurologist this morning. Got a good report from him.   We are having Sean and his crew power wash the houses today. And the storage building.  

Tomorrow is Dr. Stevens, the family Dr.  Then on next Monday off to see the rheumatologist- then on the 14th I have a colonoscopy.  Then I should be through for a while.  Have to see Dr. Sida again in 6 months.  

Tina took a photo of Bette on Snapchat and it was pretty comical. 

Lander classes are going pretty well- A few problems with Blackboard- but we're managing.
Also drove over to Abbeville and had lunch with Mike Bedenbaugh yesterday.  He was over to redo the Trinity Church.  Need to raise 3 million dollars.  

I will try to do a better job of daily writing on the blog.
Also, forgot the Hum app provided a weekly mileage summary for the week:

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