Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15th

Won't be forting today, as one of my neighbor buddies, is having his 80th birthday today, and we are taking him out to lunch.

Got a second opinion yesterday on my teeth program, and will wind up going with the new dentist-  They can do it all in one day, and lots cheaper to boot.  I'll ask Sat am if they can take over the other work and get that done as well. 

Leaving for SC early Sunday morning-  May come back either Thursday after class or Friday morning- up to Bette.

One additional plate from the other day, a motorcycle from Quebec:
Plans are to head to the Fort tomorrow, dressed out, since they are having a "stroll" event downtown at 6 pm- where we all interact with visitors-  have to see how I fell after the dental work. 

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