Saturday, March 8, 2014

Not much doin.....

Haven't posted recently, not much going on-  did have to go to the emergency room for a night's stay due to high blood pressure, did a stress test, passed it, modified the blood pressure medicine,and all seems well again.   Thank goodness for Medicare and supplemental!

Have follow up visits with both regular and heart docs next week.  

Going to pick up the motor home Sunday at Alliance-  

Lander is on spring break next week, so that should be calm. 

Fri and Sat next week, we will be out with the River City Campers.  

Got caught up on my Lighthouse Blog, now have over 60 visits logged in.  

Did some detail planning for the Maine Summer trip, and added the 37 day trip to Michigan-  also detailed a few things for the Summer fly-in trip to California with Cooper.  

That is all.  

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