Thursday, December 5, 2013

Survived my nasal surgery so far.....

Went into the surgery center at 0800 yesterday, the Dr was on time at 0915, and we cleared the place by about 1115 or so.  Dr Miller said everything went well, I could surely tell this time he roto-rooted the turbinates more so that Dr Eisenhower did the last time, and I for sure have a big plastic spreader in my nose, as you can see from the photo.  It's been very stuffy,as he said it would be, and lots of oozing but that has abated somewhat today.  Hope I don't sneeze out the plastic thingies like I did last time.  

I apparently weathered the being put to sleep OK, there was some concern about that, as well as my bleeding level somewhat.   Throat is sore a bit from the tubes being put in to put me under.  

It's at least behind me now.  

May not go to the community breakfast tomorrow, have to see how I feel. We're supposed to close on the refinancing of the house tomorrow at 10, and the men's lunch is at 1130.  

Saturday is the big kick off and parade downtown, may try for that, and take Vicky Cole if she wants to go- think she might enjoy that.  She's down until the week after Christmas, and she's one of my favorite folks!!  There is also a veteran's day something that I'm going to with the guys.  

Monday, we have PT with Amanda together, and then Tuesday, we're running down to Wildwood to pick up the coach with its new awnings and new tires.   Hopefully they resolved the electrical issue.  Will kept telling me everything checked out OK- I do not share his view- We'll see.  

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