Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Routine week ahead, sort of....

We are now back in Florida, with the "Florida" routine...

Coffee in the morning for me, water aerobics for Bette.  PT for both of us once a week, tomorrow I have my surgery with Dr Miller, at 0700-  tonight we are headed to Osteen's for dinner the Coles can't make it, so we are taking Dixie and Elaine out for dinner.

Thursday Bette has her last craft show for the year-  then she says she is going to clean up and throw out=  don't hold out much hope for that.

Worked on the summer trip a long while in last couple of days, we've decided to go ahead and bring Cooper back to SC ourselves instead of putting him on a plane, which means we are having a short trip.   We have to have him back by Aug 11th.  Then, depending on whether or not I have to be on campus at Lander for the fall semester, we will either stay in SC until Sept 1, which is the first day of classes, or head out somewhere for a month or so if I don't have to go back to Lander.

I added bunches of stops for Cooper, several potential major league ball games, seeing the Macy's 4th of July fireworks, Acadia National Park, Moosehead Lake with the Coles, Williamsburg, and stops at Hershey Park and Carowinds as well.   He ought to be a happy camper, since we are also going out to California for two weeks in June. 

We close on the refinancing of our Florida house this Friday at 10  We had a very pleasant experience with the local branch of Sun Trust, and the branch manager was quite professional, and we are looking forward to our relationship with them.  

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