Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday update

Fractured rib is healing, but very slowly.

Got green light today from heart Dr. for nose operation, but it may not be scheduled until 3rd week in Nov, which may not be convenient for us.  May have to wait until first week in Dec. 

Picked up a darn roofing nail in a tire on the Fit, had to have it plugged today. 

Weather is absolutely beautiful, breezy and 77 today. 76 this morning at 6.  What November?

Headed to Osteen's tonight with the Kingston's, anxious for the Coles to get back and join us. 

Had a very nice drop in at Walt and Char's place Sat night.  Lots of folks there-  they have really fixed up their place very nicely. 

Have appt. with RA Dr. tomorrow, hope I can get off prednisone, been on it now for 9 months. 

Still haven't picked up the motor home yet. 

Short time until we head up to Greenwood for a long week-  yay! 

That is all. 

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