Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Busy Tuesday!

Got up, went to Liar's Club, left at 0800 to go with Bette to PT, Amanda worked on both of us, Bette for her knee, and me for my neck stuff, then went to see Susan and got my hair/beard trimmed, then over to Wal Mart to get various medicines, now eating lunch in a bit, then we are all headed to the movies with the Tuesday dinner group-  going to see the Tom Hanks Captain Phillips movie...

Then, we'll all head out to Osteen's for dinner!  Then, over to the indoor pool for our evening workout and hot tub.  Busy day!

Looks like the baseball trip will be amended slightly, so we can accommodate three of the guys, which is fine-  Now looking at 3/21-  ATL-DET at Orlando, 3/22  BOS/ATL at Orlando, 3/23. TOR at NYY at Tampa, and 3/23, HOU @ ATL at Orlando.

Less than a week before we head up to Greenwood for Thanksgiving, looking forward to that- 
Our Marine grandson  Dalton and his wife will be there, we have learned.  

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