Sunday, September 22, 2013

Doctor week, or welcome back to Florida!

We got back to Florida about 8 or 9 days early from the trip this year, just in time to begin our annual tour of Doctors.  This week, I have the Dentist on Tuesday, the GP and Rheumatologist on Wednesday, and the eye Doctor on Friday-  Bette sees the same bunch as I do on the same/different days. Fortunately, we got the glitch fixed with the Insurance folks in South Carolina where Bette got dropped from coverage because we didn't send in a proper piece of confirmation that she was in fact a married dependent-  Much to her relief- 

Also this week is a "last supper" for the Kingston's to send them off on their three week Panama Canal cruise-  Bingo on Friday night, and what ever else pops up. 

Been doing the master planning for Cooper's summer trip, which looks like two weeks out to California, right after Brandon graduates from High School on June 6th.  Hard to believe our little guy is finishing high school!  He's quite a fine young man, and we are very proud of him. 

Still have a couple of house projects to work on, handicap rails for the toilet, and reworking the closet fixturing in our bedroom. 

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